Oath and Affirmation

AC Mobile Notary

Notarial Acts

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Oaths and affirmations are both notarial acts that require a person to tell the truth. The main difference between the two is that an oath is a pledge to a higher power, while an affirmation is a pledge made on personal honor. Both are legally binding and can be administered verbally or in writing.

Here are some things to know about oaths and affirmations:

Who chooses: The signer chooses whether to take an oath or an affirmation.

How to administer: The notary should ask the signer to raise their right hand or place it over their heart.

When to use: Oaths and affirmations can be used to swear in a new official or as part of a notarization for a signed document.

State laws: The wording and procedures for oaths and affirmations may vary by state.

Respect beliefs: The notary should respect the signer’s beliefs and choices. Penalties: The signer is subject to penalties for perjury if they do not tell the truth.

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